Prof. Dr. Norbert Frey


Professional Career

Since 2020 Head of Department and Professor at the Department of Cardiology, Angiology, and Pneumology, Heidelberg University Hospital
2008 - 2020 Head of Department and Professor at the Department of Cardiology and Angiology, CAU Kiel
2007 - 2008 Deputy Director at the Department of Cardiology, Heidelberg University
2003 Senior Attending Physician at the Department of Cardiology, Heidelberg University
2002 - 2008 Research Group Leader of 'Molecular Cardiology', Heidelberg University
1999 - 2002 Postdoctoral Scientist UTSW Medical Center, Dallas, USA (Prof. Dr. Eric N. Olson)
1996 - 1999 Resident Physician and Research Fellow at the Department of Cardiology, Lübeck University
1994 - 1996 Resident Physician and Research Fellow at the Department of Cardiology, Heidelberg University



Prof. Dr. Norbert Frey
Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg
Medizinische Klinik, Innere III
Klinik für Kardiologie, Angiologie und Pneumologie
Im Neuenheimer Feld 410,  69120 Heidelberg
Phone. +49 (0) 6221 56-8670
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Website: Link


Projects and Positions

     B10 - Magnetoelectric Sensor Systems for Cardiologic ApplicationsProject lead


CRC-related Publications

E. Engelhardt, E. Elzenheimer, J. Hoffmann, C. Meledeth, N. Frey, G. Schmidt: Non-Invasive Electroanatomical Mapping: A State-Space Approach for Myocardial Current Density Estimation, Bioengineering, 10(12), 1432, 2023. 
E. Engelhardt, E. Elzenheimer, J. Hoffman, T. Schmidt, A. Zaman, N. Frey, G. Schmidt: A Concept for Myocardial Current Density Estimation with Magnetoelectric Sensors, Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 9, no. 1, 89-92, 2023. 
E. Elzenheimer, P. Hayes, L. Thormählen, E. Engelhardt, A. Zaman, E. Quandt, N. Frey, M. Höft, G. Schmidt: Investigation of Converse Magnetoelectric Thin Film Sensors for Magnetocardiography, IEEE Sensors Journal Print ISSN, pp. 5660-5669, 2023. 
E. Engelhardt, A. Zaman, E. Elzenheimer, N. Frey, G. Schmidt: Towards Analytically Computable Quality Classes for MCG Sensor Systems, BMT 2022, Joint Annual Conference of the Austrian, German and Swiss Societies for Biomedical Engineering, 2022. 
J. Reermann, P. Durdaut, S. Salzer, T. Demming, A. Piorra, E. Quandt, N. Frey, M. Höft, G. Schmidt: Evaluation of Magnetoelectric Sensor Systems for Cardiological Applications, Measurement (Elsevier), ISSN pp. 0263-2241 , 2017.