Talks are organized either for our CRC members or the CRC members give talks for interested researchers and for public outreach purposes. See one of the sections listed below for details.
Some of the Upcoming and Previous Talks
Magnetic Composites: From Soft Robotics to…
Magnetic Composites: From Soft Robotics to Eco-Sustainable Magnetoelectronics Details Presenter: Dr. Denys Makarov Title:…
Basic Principles and New Developments in…
Basic Principles and New Developments in Stereotactic Radiotherapy Details Presenter: Priv.-Doz. Dr. rer. hum.…
Workshop on digital design using FPGA
Workshop on digital design using FPGA Details Presenter: Dr.-Ing. Pablo Mendoza Ponce Title: Digital…
On the Implementation of Energy and…
On the Implementation of Energy and Area Efficient Microcontrollers – Our Approach on the Use…