Advisory Board

The CRC 1261 has an Advisory Board consisting of experts that advice the CRC in a variety of aspects. The members will be invited to the semi-annual retreats of the CRC. In this way, the CRC is expected to benefit from their broad knowledge and experience in the indiviual fields of experties of the board members.


Members of the Advisory Board - National / International
Prof. Dr. Susana Cardoso Freitas
Spintronics and Magnetic Biosensors - INESC-MN
Instituto Superior Tecnico, Univ. Lisboa, Portugal
Prof. Dr. Shashank Priya
Material Sciences and Engineering
Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA
Prof. Dr. Ursula van Rienen
Electromagnetic Field Theory
University of Rostock, Germany
Prof. Dr. Meinhard Schilling
Institute for Electrical Measurement Science and Fundamental Electrical Engineering
Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany
Prof. Dr. Nian Sun
Northeastern University
Bosten, MA, USA
Prof. Dr. Gentiane Venture
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Tokyo, Japan


Members of the Advisory Board - Former CRC Members
Prof. Dr. Günther Deuschl
Medical Faculty
Kiel University
Prof. Dr. Franz Faupel
Faculty of Engineering
Kiel University
Dr. Florian Niekiel
Institute of Quantum Technologies - Integration of Micro- and Nanosystems
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt
Prof. Dr. Christine Selhuber-Unkel
Institute for Molecular Systems Engineering (IMSE)
Heidelberg University
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Stephani
Medical Faculty
Kiel University
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Wagner
Faculty of Engineering
Kiel University