The main focus of the "embedde group" has been on integrating the microchip memory with the microcontroller board and coding the memory card to store the microcontroller data. They started by carefully selecting the appropriate microSD cardboard that could efficiently handle the data storage requirements of the microcontroller. Once they had identified the right memory chip, they proceeded to integrate it with the microcontroller board. Next, they began coding the memory card to ensure it could store all the data generated by the microcontroller. This involved working with a c programming language and MPlab tool to develop a customized solution that was tailored to the specific needs of our project. They have made significant progress in both areas, and the memory card is now fully operational, successfully storing all the data generated by the microcontroller. Moving forward, they plan to test the memory card extensively to ensure it is stable and reliable and refine our coding and testing processes to optimize the performance of the Memory card.

The "PC-based group" coducted measurement using a fake bomb with distances of approximately 10, 20, and 40 cm from our sensor box. The measurements revealed that a distance of 40 cm for the fake bomb was too far, as no signals could be detected anymore. Additionally, the ME sensors were calibrated, and preparations were made for the cube circuit board to which the ME sensors will be attached.